Friday, 8 May 2015

Lost Places Of Past

How can I forget,
Your ethereal gaze?
The acoustic steer,
The splendid eyes.
The dreamy sight,
A beauty like night....

Trying to forget
& it keeps running inside,
The things you've said,
The things you've denied
Your wonders, your blunders
& the perennial why....

The scent, the smile,
Your stupid little replies.
Taking as gospel,
The comforting lies.
Your heart, your innocence
Like that of a clear sky.

Your sweet sensations,
Reviving imaginations
To start from me, to end at you.
With the very sense,
evanesce into the world of pretence,
Having your incense for the deliverance,
Oh, I'm nowhere in the present tense.

Dwelling into....
The falling raindrops on face
In the death like phase,
Blisters of desire
Waiting of vain
But the enjoyment of acid rain....


  1. Your dreams, the sky
    i know you will fly
    like a fairy, you will shine
    And someday in the future,
    You will be mine.
